Tuesday, August 30, 2005

m.y. d.e.v.o.t.i.o.n n.e.e.d.s a l.i.f.e

m.y r.e.l.a.t.i.o.n.s.h.i.p w.i.t.h G.o.d n.e.e.d.s r.e.v.i.v.a.l, n.e.e.d t.o r.e.k.i.n.d.l.e t.h.e f.i.r.e a.g.a.i.n

Into Your hands
I commit again
With all I am
For You Lord
You hold my world
In the palm of Your hand
And I am Yours forever...

Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am

AMEN>>sorry that i've abandoned You,i come again and into Your hands I surrender ALL.

aw..home sweet home!i'm back in taiping,it feels so good!its been so long ever since i was HOME~~sobs..finally...ahh cant explain e sweetness in HOME>!beautiful,wonderful & lovely!!!YEAH!somehow i have many plans for semester break,doin my own personal things,yea haha.actually b4 that, need to prepare also for English examlah haha! then i'm free,free...still wondering where to head after dip in unsure me,i SO want to stay with TSF. at least for 2 more years?hm..i kind of forgot what i want to blog about now...LOL..just informing that i'm home, will go back on sat, for FGA first sat service!!countdown!HEE!magnificient!majestic!

k.n.o.w w.h.a.t s.e.c.r.e.t l.o.v.e.r.b.o.y d.o.w.n i.n.s.i.d.e m.a.n.y a.g.o d.i.d n.o.t w.h.a.t n.o.w?