Saturday, October 24, 2009


A thorn and a bunch of roses went out shopping!wee~!then we made a stop at THIS counter ;D
Support women's breast cancer aid and funds.Support world pink day!
together with many others, we support the fundraising by donating and got our photos taken;)

tadaa!the thorn and four roses. hahahaha *winkz!all ladies out there,do check-ups on your breasts regularly ;)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life takes its toll on emotions.

I've been emotionally challenged, in certain situations its hard to keep that kind of emotion you're suppose to. Emotions come right away and I tried to take control of that. I admit I'm being very emotional at times, it makes me feel uncomfortable and to the people around me as well. I find ways to really let go and be freed from these like anger,pain,sense of betrayal and disappointments.

Today we learned about Armor of God in CG. I felt tied down to my emotions at first, it's so difficult to let go. As we were discussing on the breastplate of righteousness and sandals of peace, I realized I had gone far from Him. The world continues to take me in and I need to crawl my way out to where I've stop my race. It's time to get back on track, take up the armor of God, continue the race and pick up my steps.

Suddenly, I felt so much more free because I've let go of what holds me in the world. Emotions too. I felt I would want to love more, live more, laugh more, move more and more patience. I feel absolutely amazing, I just don't let little things or even big circumstances to kick me out from where I felt closest to. Him. And to take control of my emotions. I learnt to take and let go. Why hold on if it makes me feel insecure and imprison? Hold on to the only one who gives salvation,freedom!

easy breezy life (lols quote from Covergirl cosmetics)
be joyful ;)
i love life because i know where i'm going and why am i living for! :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mom & Dad

Suddenly, I thought about my father. Some of you might know, some of you don't - my father passed away when I was about 9 years old. I guess probably my dad's death anniversary is going to be here soon.

Mom kept Dad's things very well. I remembered Dad loved to collect coins from around the world. Mom still have it. Dad has two very classic watches, which I loved - because I've always loved everything classic. One is Christian Dior and another Tag Heuer. These are now considered branded watches. And something that would not be in the stores today. Another of Dad's treasure is a Yashica SLR camera, fully manual. I've used it for my photography projects during my college days. I kind of realised Dad is still around because I'm owning his stuff. You would ask if I miss my dad. Growing up, sort of. Dad is always like the protector of the family. Losing such a strong vibe does affect my life. It wasn't easy at first because I felt different. Mom felt different too. But as time goes by, Mom was both "mom & dad" I never felt less loved or anything. It felt normal.

Anyway, I adore these classic pieces from my dad just like we treasured our loved ones, right? The older it gets, the more we treasure it. We also sort of realised the wrinkles on our parents forehead getting more, and we wonder if we are doing anything in return for our parents hardwork. Their hardwork for raising us, getting us to college and fulfilling our needs? I don't know, but sometimes people do things for themselves only - people work really hard in their career, trying to get the best position. All because they want a better life, for them only? Do they forget about their parents?

My mom gets so worried when I work too hard. She worries when I get depressed. I feel guilty because I'm a grown-up and yet I still need my mom to worry about me. My mom just wants me to be happy and spend time with her. I think most parents think the same. They don't need to see us with a big pay cheque. They don't need us to lavish them with expensive gifts. They just need our time, our smile, our happiness......

I'm not doing enough for my mom, and yet she's doing so much for me! I asked my mom before, how she kept herself strong when my dad passed away. To bring up two kids on her own I don't think its easy at all. She said it's because of us she has to go on with life. Wherever I complain about my situation, I thought about what my mom has to go through and I think my situation is nothing compared to my mom's. She's always positive, strong and encouraging. I'm thankful to God for having such a wonderful mother.

What I want to do in return for my mom, is just for her to not worry about me anymore and that I could take care of myself. And spend most of my time with her. When I have more time for her, she would not have to worry about me so much. She could see how I'm doing and that I'm doing just great :)

Treasure our loved ones while they are here and not when they're gone. Self-less LOVE.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Recently, our TSF official video was up on youtube. TSF stands for Tertiary Students Fellowship and I've been serving in this youth ministry for close to 4 years now. wow how has time flies. TSF has taught me so much, the people gave me so much and the leaders have guided me to where am i today. and of course, God has anointed me with all of these throughout my serving in TSF and I've indeed grown so much in TSF. How I really miss those old times. Now, TSF has grown and has multiplied - we have an all new youth ministry which I believe is for a better growth and vision as well.

ATOMIC was our stand for TSF. I almost forgot about it until I watched the video again. And I would still want to make a stand with ATOMIC. COST is TSF. We're Champions of Significance and Truth. :D

A- Accountability
T- Teachable
O- Off-limits to drunkardness and drugs
M- Maintaning sexual purity
I- Immovable in God's word
C-Christ-centered preaching and teaching
(link to the video)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

heather kuzmich

my first attempt on photo editing.XD i've tried to use photoshop last time but i never really use it, i feel its much more difficult than AI, so never knew how to use it haha. today i experiment on it, bolehlah do some editing. but PS could do so much i think i need to slowly learn :D

i like to take photographs and never edit them. gaha cuz i like them in their natural form! i wanted the photos to be edited when i shoot (exposure and shutter speed). aahh...that's another thing i need to learn more.

haha this is a shoot of heather kuzmich (ANTM cycle 9) love her features and pictures! she's gorgeous! don't know who's the photographer but i edited the picture lols. sorry to the photographer HAHA. i like photos that's vintage and classic. This editing (left side) does give me that kind of western combined with oriental vintage? what do you guys think?


Thursday, August 13, 2009

feel like must post this.haha.

Restaurant Koong Jung (3rd Floor) in PNB Darby Park, Jalan Ampang, one of the best Korean restaurants ever! I'm so in love with their food now....omg. It's so delicious! The Korean lady bosses are very nice and sweet as well. Great food with great service! Once you enter the restaurant, they are already making you feel so welcome and full of great appetite the moment they greet you in Korean (anyohaseyo!)

It's also nice to see 90% people who went to have their meals there are Korean people. If these Koreans would go to this restaurant, it must have achieved a certain standard for it's cuisine. The prices range from RM20 onwards, not very pricey I would say because it's worth it.

I would go there every Tuesday if I can before attending meeting in PNB Darby Park. Sweeett!
Anyone want to give it a try can find me go together hahahaha

:D Cheers

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Devotion for the Day ;)

Luke 8:14

The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way, they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.'s devotion is talking about the world again and our strong roots in the Lord. Worries definitely never really left me. I was down with worries and fear and that makes me just sank in. This verse here reminds me that I must scatter my seeds on good soil. No matter what happens, I will persevere and therefore never be shaken of my faith and His words remain still in me.

Worries and fear are very common and it always happens. Lets ask God to turn these into passion and faith! I pray that God would make my days filled with passion and fruitful!

In Matthew 6:27, "Can you add even one hour to your life by worrying?"

And in Matthew 6:33-34, "But put God's kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all of those things will also be given to you. So do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry by itself. Each day have enough trouble of its own."

Life is too short to be anything but happy!

So guys, live life to the fullest!! :D

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Devotion for the Day :)

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Luke 6:47-49

I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on a rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.

Sometimes, I'm like that too. I was so easily swayed by the world. Therefore, I lost track and was just hanging without any directions. I easily get crushed. Now I lay a strong foundation and with God's Mighty hands, I will stand firm and stay strong! No matter what, I will keep going and continue on the race. Life is definitely never easy, many people come and say many things and that makes us change our ways. Of course, some are probably good for change but we ourselves need to know our roots and what God has in store for us.

All plans go well with Him. Every way is of His and not of ours. Be strong!!Never give up for God NEVER gives up on us!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

of anti-oxidants and free radicals :)

Do you know that too much free radicals in your body will cause risk to your health such as cancer?

Health depends on balance between anti-oxidants and free radicals. To gain optimal health, this is very important. I found out a few sources of free
-radicals from a talk i attended.

To those who smoke, one cigar contains 10,000,000,000,000 free radicals!! Goodness, that really shocked me! No wonder people who smoke and inhale the smoke are very very much likely to have cancer.

Others sources are energy production in mitochondoria, radiation exposure and environmental (the ozone). Most of us lack of anti-oxidants is because we don't eat enough vegetables and fruits thus we lack of nutrients.

Oh, do you also know we have to at least eat 1kg o
f vegetables and fruits per day? In our busy lifestyle in KL, not many people actually have the time to be health conscious. I used to be like that but I realized I really do need to take care of my health. When something happened, it's too late. Prevent is better than cure, right?

That's why supplements are carefully researched with the best ingredients. XD. just pop a few good pills :) Supplements are good for us. Look at this picture below. Can you eat that much vegetables and fruits per day to meet your nutritional needs?
cheers :D though i love vegetables and fruits, but not this much a day!
Live healthy! :D(lols, very health conscious dy me XD)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lose Weight the Right Way with TRA (The Right Approach)

Obesity is posing a growing threat to the health of the world population. In our country, 5 in 10 adult Malaysians are now rated overweight or obese under the guidelines issued by WHO. The global overweight (BMI>25) and obese (BMI>30) are estimated to be more than 1.1 billion, with more than 300 million (1/3) who are clinically obese (with chronic disease and disability due to obesity)

I'm more aware now that obese is indeed a serious issue as overweight people are at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. I have been overweight since my childhood days and I realized this is probably due to the lifestyle my family of generations lived. Almost all my relatives from my dad's side are extremely overweight. I still remember we had lots and lots of food during our gatherings or even just having a casual dinner. And they are meat-lovers and veggie-haters!

I was never really health conscious or really cared about what I ate. Of course, I thought about losing weight as well (signed up for California Fitness for 2 yrs and now True Fitness for 2 yrs) Who doesn't want to achieve an ideal weight, right? It didn't really worked out as with the busy lifestyle and plus didn't really researched on the right way to gain ideal weight.

In Feb 2008, I joined this program TRA (The Right Approach) for better weight management and health. I know my health is at risk as I'm obese so I decided to embark on this programme. It proves to have changed my life! It has been almost 3 months after I finished the programme and I manage to lose weight healthily and still am losing weight. Food intake in my family have changed as well thanks to me being on this programme and insist that I must eat right and healthy. My mom is happy too as she also suffers from high-blood pressure, diabetes and high-cholestral. All this has definitely benefited me and my family :D I don't spend on going gym anymore but I exercise outdoors. It's much refreshing :)

I now lead a healthy lifestyle! Are you? Here is an article of the weight management programme I joined. It was on the Star on Sunday, July 12. I took the article from The Star Online. It's proven safe by HSA (Singapore Health Science Authority as it was first launched in Singapore)

Sunday July 12, 2009

The right approach

A three-pronged weight loss programme helps people lose weight by combining weight loss products, good nutrition and plenty of exercise.

IF you consider the countless weight loss programmes you can choose from, you may find it difficult to believe that the underlying philosophy of losing weight basically boils down to one equation: when you take in less calories than you spend, you have weight loss. It is that simple, says Nu Skin enterprises chief scientific officer and executive vice president Dr Joseph Y. Chang. But although everybody knows that, it is not easy to lose weight with our current lifestyles.

“I always find it ironic that people have to drive to the gym,” says Dr Chang. Indeed, as machines increasingly replace muscles (the way cars replace the need for any legwork), there seemed to be less reason to spend calories any more than we absolutely need to. And thanks to fast food and convenient mamak stalls, we are now blessed with more calories than we ever need.

With these in mind, Malaysian-born Dr Chang and his research team in the US came up with the The Right Approach (TRA) – a patented weight loss programme by Nu Skin Enterprises that combines supplements, nutrition management and exercise with an additional element: group support.

Available in countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the weight loss programme has recently reached our shores.

“By bringing in TRA, we hope to provide Malaysians with a scientifically tested system to help them lose weight the healthy way,” he adds.

The reason we sometimes eat too much is our brains associate eating with sociable events, where we sit down with friends and family to eat and chat. And often, we eat more than we should, says Dr Chang.

Malaysian-born Dr Joseph Y. Chang and his research team in the US came up with the The Right Approach – a patented weight loss programme by that combines supplements, nutrition management and exercise with an additional element: group support. – AZMAN GHANI/The Star

That is why we need to retrain our brain to eat less and exercise more to achieve permanent weight loss, he explains.

People who go on TRA will be encouraged to exercise and practise portion control, where they can eat their normal diet, but half as much. On top of that, they could also take meal replacements to control their calorie intake and consume supplements to control carbohydrate cravings, absorb fat in the digestive tract, increase their body metabolism and burn fat.

To check their progress, they are encouraged to form small support groups that meet regularly.

A “TRA Consultant” will be assigned to monitor the groups’ progress or on a one-to-one basis. (The company conducts regular TRA consultant training for its distributors to educate them on The Right Approach to weight management – the Right Supplementation, Right Nutrition and Right Exercise.)

It may be difficult to do it on our own, but having a group that reminds you to eat healthily and exercise regularly makes it easier, says Dr Chang.

The problem with most diets is that when you are on it, you lose weight fast. The moment you stop, you put the weight back on. As Dr Chang put it, “it’s like a yo-yo”. That is why weight loss medications like laxatives that help people lose weight by losing water are, at best, temporary measures to reduce weight. With TRA, we place more importance in keeping the weight down, he says.

While he concurs that there is no best product for everybody, he cautions against some weight loss products that contain dangerous chemicals, some of which have been pulled off the shelves recently.

Our best protection against these dubious products is our common sense, says Dr Chang. Some of the questions you should ask are: does the product come from a reliable company? Has it been researched well? How exactly does the product work?

A rule of thumb is: if it sounds too good to be true, be careful. As nothing beats reduced calorie intake and exercise in weight loss, if you have to lose weight with the help of supplements or weight loss programmes, choose them carefully.

for more info do go to and read the article on

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Throughout my 1 year of being a temporary staff for PIKOM continuosly, I realised working life has definitely changed me. There are of course, pros and cons. Sometimes I wish I could be the person I was back then. I became more emotional, haha as more responsibilities sunk in, things get emotional sometimes. I tend to think about my future at all times. Questions arised, such as "where is this going to lead me?" "will what i do now take me to where i want to go?"

It's so easy to get discouraged and my moods are like roller-coaster. I never thought about working permanently for a company as I just fear of my time being tied. Probably I have given it a thought at times but it never did work out. I felt at loss and also regret that I did not put effort earlier to do what I really want to do. It took quite
some time to find out what I really wanted. It's like I should have straight venture into my industry earlier rather than spent a year in PIKOM.

However, thinking back, its really not such a bad thing after all. I got to know a industry that's totally opposite of what I studied. I've met wonderful people there, which is probably one of the reasons I did not leave the company. Haha yes may
be some people would not understand, but the teamwork and friendship I saw there are just amazing. I absolutely adore my boss, I've learn a lot from her, she's my inspiration and gives me the drive to work better and live better! :D

Now, I've chosen a path that gives me the freedom to manage my own time. I know, I know I had bad time management - but I've improved through my college years and my time in PIKOM. Ahem, laziness is an issue as well. Oops. Now, it's just the beginning. Like the war has just started! The race has just begun! I joined a business that d
oes weight management and skincare. It's fun and challenging. And it thought me more about the real world too. Haha! I'm also trying to build my own garment business, hopefully to make my products first and able to design and sell.

I would say I didn't have proper training in pattern drafting back in college. Pattern drafting is a step before you actually sew the garment. As I'm from the pioneer batch, I didn't have proper foundation. Only in my last two years, I've impro
ved a lot in design and pattern drafting, thanks to my lecturer Ms.Sheila. She has tremendous experience in pattern drafting and design, she was in UK for 10 years! When you have more exposure, especially being in the fashion capitals in the world like New York and Paris, you will improve a lot in your designs. Your imagination goes beyond!

A sample of what pattern drafting is. If you think this is complicated, it gets more complicated!
I have a complete pattern drafting book, its good so now I'm using it as a reference to make my designs. It's like starting from A B C again. I want to make my foundation stronger. It's going to be really hard but I love what I do and I will go for it. Well, with no business, marketing or probably sufficient experience in fashion world, I will DO it! As I go by, I know I will learn. Learning is forever.

Time goes by so fast its scary sometimes. I better catch time before it catches me. Haha! There's another thing I want to share here. Last two weeks we shared about doubt in TSF. And that's something I struggled most of the time and to many people too, I believe. I would like to post a verse here thats so encouraging to me.

Mark 11 : 22-25

"Have faith in God" , Jesus answered. I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, "Go, throw yourself into the sea", and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins"

Haha, seems my post this time a lot of things to share. Maybe I never really express last time. Haha! GO GO GO! "Faith with actions, no doubt, no fear, more patience, do it!" :D oh be more forgiving! :D

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today FGA had combined service and the speaker was fantastic! Ps. Philip from Indonesia spoke of a great testimony about a girl and his own testimony as well. It was really a life-transforming day for me!

Anik from Indonesia had bone tuberculosis. Her bones was practically melting and all she could do was lie on her bed. Imagine her bones are like cheese - soft!! She can't do anything at all. I watched the video with my very own eyes how it all happened - i don't have the video with me here but what God did to heal her wasn't just a healing miracle but a creative miracle! And her strong belief in the Lord was speechless. Doctors couldn't save her. But she persevere, she BELIEVED!! Her CG Leader BELIEVED! Everyone around her believed and kept on praying. And it all happens because of BELIEF. God created new bones in her body!! Her old bones were coming out from her body and new solid bones were created in her!! Now she could live like a normal person again!

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things have been new"

What I was really amazed was the word believe. That's such a powerful word, to know and keep it is never easy. Yes, we believe in Him but how deep is our belief? I began to question my depth of believe and passion. Sometimes even in little things I doubted Him and God kept telling me not to doubt in Him.
Worries and fear shook my belief in Him. Many times He reassured me and my belief grew and grew. This time, today Anik's testimonial has grounded my belief in the Lord. I couldn't stop thinking how the word is so impactful and how it just got the hold of me! NEVER would I let my problems get in the way anymore.

Nothing is greater than the Lord. We all know this and me, too. But I need to keep on reminding myself everyday that HE is Almighty and HE is all possible.

BELIEVE! A BIG word! Believe and be passionate! I'm excited in the Lord! :D

believe is burying your passion in your heart and mind :)


suddenly feel like reading back my old posts as it brings lots of memories and probably remind me of things i forget.

i realized i forgot passion in fashion. and my directions. previously i posted i finally found what i really want to do - bring happiness through fashion. i loved bridal wear as well and last year i wanted to chase over that. now my dreams has expanded...? and i never really chase over that dream. apparently paroimia came and i felt it was my calling so i did what was my top priority.

things change huh. and last year was suppose to be my last year working for PIKOM. But i continued on for a month after paroimia. it is really time to get hold of my dreams and not let it go anymore. but my path is of God's and wherever or whatever i'm called for i will be there...

and i will not forget His calling and His plans anymore.....

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

and i will not forget His calling and His plans anymore.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thoughts for life??

Geez...I've never really blog much about serious thoughts, probably full of craps? XD

I guess I'm not so much of a thinker, I always thought philosophies are just the way they are. I make my own philosophy haha! I'm a simple-minded person and I would like to think simple at all times. And my mom and my sister worried about me because I'm like never really took things seriously. I live a life of freedom and financial is sufficient but not for future, yet. To me, family comes before everything else. And my mom is my everything apart from God. Maybe a lot of you don't know that my dad passed away when I was in primary school. So I want to spend as much time possible with my mom. As I'm the youngest, my family was afraid I could not support or take care of myself. Probably I did sometimes rely on my sister but I can be independent. I've drown many times when I simply threw myself in the open sea but I climbed back to shore.

After graduation I was kind of confused what I should do and all. I was stuck with PIKOM (events in ICT industry) for a year. I was hired based on projects. In and out I worked there. I was definitely in the wrong industry but since I had no other options available, I just continued. Besides, I worked with great people which I really looked up too. I learned so much from them and the bond that I've created with them, that makes me hard to leave.

Comfort zone just makes someone so hard to make a change. The first step is always the hardest as we're afraid of drowning. Fear overtakes us. I thought I wanted to have a life like any other - have a job and that's that for the rest of my life. However, when I really think - do I really want a life like that? Stay in the same company for 30 years down the road? What happens after that? Will I accomplish things I wanted and be satiesfied? Now I began to think of the life that I really want.

I wouldn't want to stay in the same company for 30 years and yet nothing happens. Some people still stay where they are no matter how hard they've worked. And the higher position you are, the harder you need to work. There's no stopping or even rest. When you're on holiday, business calls. How long that needs to go on? Hmm... I'm on the verge of exploring a better opportunity to live a life of freedom with sufficient finance for future!

I also want to chase my dreams of course, if not I would've wasted my 4 years in college studying fashion. In fashion industry, you know what's important? To establish your label and be famous. Fame's not important to me. I wish to bring happiness to people through fashion. Fashion is suppose to create confidence for people and not to pull down their confidence. You know what they say? Fashion is for skinny people. And plus - only rich people can afford fashion. Aren't all humans the same, come from God? We all should be treated the same. Everyone deserves to be beautiful - whether skinny or plus-size, rich or poor.

These are my visions. Live a life of freedom and to bring happiness through fashion! :D I finally found what I want to do. I'm afraid too that this path will lead me nowhere at first. But I believe in what I do and I believe in God.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

random pics! canon ixus 100!

must do justice to my new camera. lols. ngiok!
some pics from paroimia. for full album please visit my FB. XD

Thursday, May 07, 2009

I have been at crossroads and still there
Pondering upon the future that the paths held
I stood there, thinking I could see the end
Truth is, the end of the roads are of uncertainty

My soul is unsure of which path to walk
I wonder if I regret standing there too long
If time would allow me to make a decision
Will I finally found my right path?

Why is the world laying it's eyes on me?
Am I a part of all the people in this world?
Wherever I go, they followed my shadow
I do not want to move according to their sight

I decided I do not regret I've been long wandering
I am ready to walk on the path He had chosen
I will stumble and fall but I could start over
For He is here and I will go back to my Creator


Thursday, April 23, 2009


CHEERS!! PAROIMIA was a phenomenan! Overflowing success, every show was fully booked until we had to open extra shows!

I didn't get to go to the first show - opening of paroimia as I've hurt
my knee again. I said again because two weeks before I've hurt my knee at home while exercising. I couldn't walk for like 3 days, the painkillers and muscle reliever medicines caused me gastric. I couldn't eat properly at all.

The same happened second time, I took one dose of the medicines again and caused me gastric also. =.=' i know i know, i shouldn't have done the mistake twice but the pain is unbearable. I cant straigthen my legs and can't walk. I vomited for the whole day. I could not eat anything at all. I truly understand the feelings of a handicapped person now. Thank God my mom was here the second time around and she took care of me.

I've recovered now but have to be extremely careful. I fear of not being able to walk again. Thank God for His healing and strength. Without Him, it is even harder to go through that period of time. I felt bad too that my mom has to take care of me. She's not young anymore, I should be the one taking care of her...

well! life has to go on! i'll be positive and fearless! a lot of things i need to take responsibility now. God is with me! :D

oh i bought a new camera. CANON IXUS 100. hehe the image wa
s fantastic!! this is it, i got the black one. classic for me. :) i will take pics with my new baby and post it! hehe

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

PAROIMIA - The Tale of Colours

COME AND WATCH THIS FANTASTIC PRODUCTION! I'm part of this team leading in costumes designing so come and support my work and my youth's work for this musical production! This is what I've been working on for more than two months. Don't miss it, it's absolutely a great watch! :D

Come and watch Paroimia.
Let the colors whisk you away to the land where the Golden Command upholds justice...
the Dark Legion threatens peace & harmony.
Is there hope for the imprisoned Grey Doldrums?
Can the courageous Blood Army bring restoration?

17th April (Friday)
18th April (Saturday)
24th April (Friday)
25th April (Saturday)

The story will unfold from
8pm to 10pm
at the Main Sanctuary of FGA KL.

*Dinner and pre-booked seating can be arranged for you and your guests. Please call 03-79814755 during office hours or email

**Paroimia: The Tale of Colours'' is a Christian musical production.

***For more info, visit or contact or 03 79814755

Contact me if you would like to come. Bring your friends and family! See you there!! :D


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BALI Part 3

last night in bali. we went clubbing. haha. look! they have male dancers as entertainers. gosh.
the clubbing scene here is so much more happening than kl.

the male entertainer. lols. dance in the cage samore. *dong.

bintang beer is the famous beer in bali. not bad :)

overall, had an extremely fun time in bali. seen so much, play so much, eat so much, tanned as well. wakaka! the things there were cheap, spa was great. i went for another full body spa! man how syiok!! bali is spa,shopping,beach,surfing,tanning - gaha all you can get there! i would plan to go again another time!! :D :D

-the end-

BALI Part 1

15th March 2009
arrival at hotel!!matahari bungalow(fyi,it's pronounced as bunga-low) the settings very flora and fauna like- natural. the architecture very balinese.

that's the lobby.

while waiting to check-in, take pictures first ngek2x

16th march 2009
the next morning, our breakfast is provided by the resort. from this day onwards, we ate a lot of nasi goreng and mee goreng. >< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">the resort has a beautiful swimming pool as well! the sun is great!!

after breakfast, getting ready to explore kuta street. going on a shopping spreeeeeeee

lunch time! this is bagus pub. it is BAGUS! good food, haha and see the tagline! bloody cold beer!!

mee goreng!!
on our way of exploring, my sister and lai li got their temporary tattoos. i very lazy to get one.>< aahh..wats better than a foot massage after a long long walk?? This is shinkei spa, very good with cheap prices! i came back here again another day. hehe.

here is ngurah rai airport. we were waiting for chi ling to arrive.

at night, we went to maxi cafe to chill out. and had their drink called "arak on the rock". its a balinese traditional drink woh.

kuta street is very very happening! day time lots of shops to walk around. night time its all clubs and pubs. some even opened for 24 hours. this is one of the clubs. we came here clubbing on the last night. HEHE
we had dinner at jimbaran bay seafood. its absolutely majestic here. eating by the beach!! something i've always want to do!! the wind blowing, the sound of waves, good food - sooooo relaxing!

17th March 2009
First destination was batu bulan, where we paid 50,000 RP to watch a tradisional performance called rangda and barong.

Rangda and Barong are both mythical creatures. Barong is the good one. A fight between good and evil.the performance was held at a temple. that's the entrance door with such rich carvings.

after that, we went to see how batik was done. in bali, batik were drawn just like that!! in malaysia, we have to lay the fabric before drawing.

this reminds me of my workplace. haha

this is one of the pics from visiting Celuk, the balinese village. Aunty was cooking some delicious food. heheanother shot from the balinese village. the rooms are really small but felt cosy :)

Kinta City, the volcano mountain. we stopped for lunch here :)

Pura Pusar, the home of studio artists. its indescribable the quality of paintings here. it's just WOW. we bought two painting from here XD

trying out the coffee and other drinks in Tapak Siring. The famous ones was luwak coffee. very expensive. it's very nice to drink lo! luwak is an animal, it eats a fruit then it was processed in the body - haha then the shit is use to make coffee beans.

cheers! the ginger tea is nice too. i bought bali coffee only. for ah fong. the coffee lover. lols.

BALI Part 2

18th March 2009
On our way to Besakih Temple, the mother of all temples and also the rice terrace, we stopped by a place - up on the hill, cooling and fantastic view! I think it's called Gunung Catur. :)

that's me, karen and my sister

this little makan place overlooks the rice terrace view, we stopped by for a quick bite before continuing on to besakih. darn hungry and the temple is way high up. we ate mee sedap instant noodle lols. and carbonated bottle drinks. very rare we find bottle colas or sprites anymore.
that's the rice terrace! the paddy field is famous of it's few storeys. absolutely amazing!

oh sorry forgot ah, before that, we went to Denpasar. This is at a temple near Museum Bali. the museum was closed so couldn't go. =.='

This is also at Denpasar, Pasar Badung. We came here to buy sarongs. At Besakih temple, we need to wear sarongs hehe. Cover a bit ma, holy place nehh ngek2x

Oh there it is!! Besakih! it's very very huge! i climbed this, then i dunit climb batu caves dy. >_<
the high-up thing they hung up has their own symbols. Red symbolizes fire and so on. i can't remember all the temple stories haha. but this temple has been here for i dont-know-how-long. few decades probably!!

that's chi ling and me. in sarongs hahaha. i brought my own sarong neways. hehe

from left: me, mobby, lai li and karen. mobby praying wor :P

we head over to Chandi Dasa, recommended by Chi Ling must come! it's also a black sand beach like the one in langkawi. but of course, miles better than langkawi. because in langkawi it's no longer black. this is still well preserved. we enjoyed the sunset here...beautiful. i love watching sunsets at beach.
another shot. :)
there is a cuisine called bakso here. bakso babi ader, bakso ayam atau kambing also got. it's a very unique recipe, first time trying it. it's cooked in soup, with dices of nasi pulut, glass noodles and the bakso. bakso means balls actually.

haha!! jagung bakar sold near the beach! imagine eating jagung at the beach LOLS! it was delicious neways! big fan of corn ma hehehehe

19th March 2009
Not following the tour van today, decided to just hang out ourselves. we went to kuta beach, which is just walking distance. the sun was great for tanning ngek2x. the water was pretty dirty but the waves were big, a lot of people were surfing here.

got a snapshot of a macho man. lols i find this pic quite look like a beach ad. wakakak XD

suntanning!! yes i've got the tan already!!

surfing pic no.1
i've been looking out for this guy. waiting to take his surfing pic!! lols. he's a great surfer.

and there is my best surfing pic, i would say. hehe. so happens he got so near to me and SNAP! :D lots more surfing pics but in my friend's camera.