Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today FGA had combined service and the speaker was fantastic! Ps. Philip from Indonesia spoke of a great testimony about a girl and his own testimony as well. It was really a life-transforming day for me!

Anik from Indonesia had bone tuberculosis. Her bones was practically melting and all she could do was lie on her bed. Imagine her bones are like cheese - soft!! She can't do anything at all. I watched the video with my very own eyes how it all happened - i don't have the video with me here but what God did to heal her wasn't just a healing miracle but a creative miracle! And her strong belief in the Lord was speechless. Doctors couldn't save her. But she persevere, she BELIEVED!! Her CG Leader BELIEVED! Everyone around her believed and kept on praying. And it all happens because of BELIEF. God created new bones in her body!! Her old bones were coming out from her body and new solid bones were created in her!! Now she could live like a normal person again!

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things have been new"

What I was really amazed was the word believe. That's such a powerful word, to know and keep it is never easy. Yes, we believe in Him but how deep is our belief? I began to question my depth of believe and passion. Sometimes even in little things I doubted Him and God kept telling me not to doubt in Him.
Worries and fear shook my belief in Him. Many times He reassured me and my belief grew and grew. This time, today Anik's testimonial has grounded my belief in the Lord. I couldn't stop thinking how the word is so impactful and how it just got the hold of me! NEVER would I let my problems get in the way anymore.

Nothing is greater than the Lord. We all know this and me, too. But I need to keep on reminding myself everyday that HE is Almighty and HE is all possible.

BELIEVE! A BIG word! Believe and be passionate! I'm excited in the Lord! :D

believe is burying your passion in your heart and mind :)


Bentuckee said...

haha...suddenly thought of the song...

"There can be miracle, when you believe, though hope is frail, it's hard to kill..."

- When You Believe