Saturday, December 27, 2008

design design design

phew! currently i am doing costume design for a musical production in my youth ministry. finally got the first part of costume discussion done. it's been a while since i did inspiration boards and design. but it is so exciting!! sooo many types of costumes and its such a wonderful thing to explore! aahh...just loving the time where i can design and get back to work!

will be pretty packed next week as well - for jack and yen's wedding, my family will be down for new year YAY! and making a evening dress for myself :) :) plus making a dress for a friend as well. phew really quite a lot of things in hand. co-ordinating, arranging, construction of the musical costumes is a lot too ~~ cant wait for fabric shopping HEHE

haven't really started sending in resumes for job....not sure when is the right time to do so, as i want to start only after CNY. sigh...i need $$ and next two months is where the economy crisis is gonna hit more. well, God will watch over me :) and i will still send in resumes.

aah...i just feel like doing something creativeee..XD XD....i dont mind freelance but its SO NOT easy. tomoro? i just wanna relaxxxx *winkz

suddenly remembered this pic, isn't it cuteeeee? piggy oh piggy