Saturday, November 13, 2004

Yo at last rested n settled down in my home sweet home!Sleep is one of my passion,now i've got it all!When i was about to arrive yesterday,my friend called n asked me to go out directly after i reach!That's supa-crazy..i mean like i've been all through that just to get home and they asked me to get out?As in get out?Dude,i'm tired and sleepy and of course,i had to reject their invitation...aww...everyone knows i'm lazy-to-get-out,yes n even lazy-to-get-up!Whoa?
Hehehe,i got home at about 1 am and guess what,i had durians...DURIANS!Something i havent been eating for like SooOoOOo long.i had durians at 1 am in the morning!WhoOsSH!Surely for the yesterday n today,i slept past noon,woke up n its time for lunch...its always seems to be breakfast+lunch tsk tsk even back in KL i did tht.Ha-ha.
Guess what,my mom got me a new mini-tele tht looked like a monitor for my b'day present! cares about my entertainment!!Muachhh!I love my mom so much,she did everything just to keep me where i should stand...:)
Relax-relax is wht i do at home,it's so good!Had to even divide the time when i should online and when my sis should online.Her laptop is in fixing-repair position...duh.Its so hard just to arrange a time to meet my friends,they all have diff free-time,one workin as clerk,one workin as salesgirl,one i-dont-know-go-where,one alwiz busy....yayyyyyyy...and tomoro is my last day in taiping!Sob sob i dont wanna leave home!ARghhh...n dats bcoz of MCD's work plus POO's project,TWO somemore!I cant possibly bring all my stuffs back to taiping to do all my projects so i had to go back early....!!Everyone either goin bc on monday or tuesday but i'm ahead of everyone else...n i have to be extra-extra-extra careful when i'm back in hostel nowadays cases r spreadin everywhere...just only one girl got molested-or as they say it 'rape'
or robbery might even occur coz it happened before already!!YikeeSsS add more security pleaseee n don't curi tulang lah guards!SAFETY first! whole stack of CDs on my right side of the desk - for what?I want to put all songs in my windows media player so i can have one range of diff songs collection for my own listening [or others] i wouldn't be so boring at least,when i get back to K.L!Goin back to K.L
means work work work got only time to breath no time to even walk around.Imagine after most classes starts at 8am and most classes ends at 7pm,how do i get more energy to browse around...unless its for assignment..which means photography cuz we definitely have to go out then only can take pics for the projects.After all the classes,i'd rather have a good bath,good rest n a good sleep before i can work on my assignments again.
I need to balanced my TIME out!EughhhH...i certainly have to...yEAa baby