Tuesday, June 28, 2005

*Sigh..I had to do some fixing on my dress...thank God just a little bit of fixing laa haha~!

Hopefully can finish by today.Thank God He took away all my worries,i meant ALL.well,its not much a big deal,as i've mentioned earlier,v do learn things the hard way.I think Ms.Nadeane[my lecturer] is so cool and i still she is now.She's HOT.not as in HOT hot la...she's just cool!We actually chit-chat today,which we sometimes do.We can practically talk abt anything at all,from movies to dramas to sewing to fashion even gays n lesbians!!WOW.How cool can tat be?I seriously kind of look up to her too other than any other lecturers.She might be fussy at times but thats just tat,she did e'thin for our good.

Wherever i think of you
i thought abt how you walked away
Just like that
I meant out of my life
Honestly all is out now
Are you really kicking me?
Getting rid of me once and for all?
Just because of that incident
That is not much big deal?

hMmm...just somethinla came out of mind.
nth muchla i guess.i'm positive!!yAy~!